Tag: alabama

Philippine Government Aircraft Crash

The aircraft carrying military supplies and personnel for the Philippine government crashed into the mountains. All 10 people aboard were killed. The aircraft was on a humanitarian flight to the provinces of Isabela, Palawan and Mindanao. One civilian died and there were two military injuries. The National Investigation Coordinating Council (NICC). said the pilot of…

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The Roanoke Fireworks Display

The Roanoke Fireworks Display began as a series of fireworks displays for the city of Roanoke, Virginia in the early 1950s. As a result of increased economic and social concerns, the city’s leaders decided that fireworks displays from their properties would no longer be permitted, due to the high cost and danger of setting off…

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New Security Breach by Hackers From China

New security breach by hackers from China. China’s hacker group “Hanban” has disclosed a large volume of data stolen from an anonymous Chinese IP-based network called “Wanda. ” In addition to the theft of data and sensitive information, hackers have also disclosed that they will release more data to the public within the next two…

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