Tag: classical

The Theory of Fault-Tolerance Quantum Computing

Fault-tolerant error-corrected qubits are expected to have fewer defects. The problem with these qubits is that occasionally a qubit fails irrecoverably, which requires its destruction and thus prevents its correction. We have developed a technique that can preserve qubit errors under the worst-case scenario. Introduction. The theory of fault-tolerant quantum computation. The construction of two-dimensional…

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Quantum-Annealing Is Better Than Classical Monte Carlo

Quantum-annealing Isolated Emergent Magnetic Monopoles Computer Security Introduction Magnetic monopoles are believed to be an important and ubiquitous phenomenon. In recent times they were predicted in the literature to be the cause of a new phenomenon – quantum-annealing. Quantum-annealing is believed to be different from the classical Monte Carlo simulation and is believed to be…

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