New Cyber Security Rules for Oil and Pipeline Inspections

New Cyber Security Rules for Oil and Pipeline Inspections

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The United States is moving to create new cybersecurity rules for oil and pipeline inspections that will dramatically increase compliance and enhance the security of the nation’s pipelines, officials said Wednesday. The Department of Homeland Security will issue new regulations under an executive order that is due to become effective Sept. The regulations are designed to improve pipeline safety by making it harder for hackers to steal data. The rules require pipeline companies to better train workers and use more sophisticated technology to detect and eliminate potential threats. They apply to both new and existing pipeline companies. President Barack Obama signed the final version of the regulations in May after years of talks and legislative battles. The new rules require pipeline contractors to comply with standards, protect workers and use “smart” surveillance devices. Pipeline companies are told they will no longer be granted access to personal devices that could be used to steal data. The new rules are part of the “Digital Accountability for Pipeline Safety” initiative announced last summer. Pipeline companies will have to adopt new cyber-security measures to protect people, computers and data – including improving data storage systems and providing more training for workers. The guidelines call for electronic systems and technologies to be deployed that are easier to use, more capable and “more secure,” a senior Homeland Security official said. The program comes as the country continues to look for ways to beef up the nation’s cybersecurity infrastructure. The White House said in a statement that the new regulations are necessary to beef up the nation’s “cyber safety and cyber security infrastructure” and ensure that no person or system is left unprotected. “These cybersecurity requirements could potentially disrupt pipelines, but could also help prevent a cyber attack,” the official said. “By increasing transparency for companies that need to comply with new cyber safety requirements, and by making it easier for companies to hire workers with cybersecurity skills, the administration is helping create a more secure and effective regulatory environment. ” A DHS spokesman said that the department’s cyber efforts were the “most significant” to date as part of President Obama’s “digital accountability for pipeline safety” initiative. “As a result of the efforts of the White House, the President directed our DHS Secretary, who is overseeing cybersecurity policy, to establish a program to create, enhance and enforce appropriate cyber security rules, as well more than 100,000 new cybersecurity workers,” the spokesman said.

Cookie preferences and other tracking technologies.

Anti-spyware vendor Sophos has found that some popular Internet search engines, including Yahoo’s, Google, and Bing, are collecting details on cookies placed on Safari, Google Chrome, and Firefox. To track cookies and other tracking technologies, anti-virus vendor Avast Technologies has created a Firefox extension called TrackingAds. In this paper, we will examine how tracking cookies functioned in three major browsers and how to protect your privacy. We will also discuss how, with Safari, to combat any cookie collection. The paper is written by Avast’s Michael Stott, who heads the online privacy research group at Avast, along with fellow researchers from Avast and Sophos. The Safari browser is covered in details in a new Safari Security blog post and a Safari Security video on Safariblog.

All about Cookies

Author: Lina Khavkhi, COO, Symantec Security Response Team.

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Targeting Cookies

Targeting Cookies

There are hundreds of sites and sites that automatically load certain types of content into the system, such as Flash content, animated videos and other types of content that may not be authorized to be loaded into the system. These sites will often use “cookies” to automatically display the content they want to a user’s web browser.

The “session cookie”: The simplest type of cookie used by a web site to help prevent cookie theft. The site is not required to keep this cookie on the user’s computer, but some do so if the site is accessed in a secure environment. It is the intention of the cookie that they be stored on the user’s computer and used exclusively for the duration of the session. The cookie is usually set on a per session basis and cleared when the session is over.

The “third party cookie”: This type of cookie is used to provide more privacy than the previous two types of cookie because it is not specific to a specific website. There may be many sites that use the third party cookie for an identical purpose, and it is commonly possible for someone with little or no knowledge about cookies to gain access to private data, such as information that is stored in cookies through the use of a third party cookie. This additional privacy may be desirable or even necessary.

The “session cookie”: This type of cookie is used to store data on a specific user’s computer. This type of cookie is commonly referred to as a permanent cookie. It is the intention of these cookies to persist on the user’s computer from a specific point of time.

There are many different types of cookies, and many types of methods that they use to provide a level of privacy from the use of the cookie. The purpose of cookie usage is often to allow a site to collect or store information about a user’s preferences when they visit a different site. This may be used to inform the user’s preferences on a specific page, such as to show a shopping cart to them before they actually buy something on a different site.

Tips of the Day in Antivirus & Malware

The antivirus software you’ve installed on your computer is in place to protect it against the countless malicious code and malicious apps that are constantly being released by the malware writers on the Internet. Once installed, it works by constantly scanning your computer to ensure your system is clean of malware. But how do you know what kind of malware or how to remove malware from your system? This question has been on many a developer’s mind for years, and even this week’s question on antivirus and other antiviruses, What would I do? is a good one to ponder. We will discuss this topic in this article.

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Spread the loveThe United States is moving to create new cybersecurity rules for oil and pipeline inspections that will dramatically increase compliance and enhance the security of the nation’s pipelines, officials said Wednesday. The Department of Homeland Security will issue new regulations under an executive order that is due to become effective Sept. The regulations…

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