Cryptology ePrint Archive (print)

Cryptology ePrint Archive (print)

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This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

quantum entanglement.

long time-to-1/2 quantum secure operations.

computers requires additional resources and time.

encrypt and decode.

the quantum advantage over the current state-of-the-art.

although not as secure as a typical computer.

to achieve much greater security than classical methods.

an encryption algorithm.

million qubits.

attack with a quantum computer.

Design and commissioning of a chip for post-quantum cryptography.

Yassa-Elharbi, A. Shaghaghi, ‘Design and commissioning of a Chip for Post-quantum Cryptography’. Cryptology ePrint Archive (print). Yassa-Elharbi, A. Shaghaghi, ‘Design and commissioning of a Chip for Post-quantum Cryptography’, Cryptology ePrint Archive (print).

Title: A method and a device for providing error-free and secure communication without the use of a communication channel between two communicating machines. | Computer, Communication, Security. Article Full Text: L. Yassa-Elharbi, A. Shaghaghi, ‘A method and a device of providing error-free transmission and secure communication without the use of a communication channel between two communicating machines’. Cryptography ePrint Archive (print).

Title: Implementation of the Hanoi system as a simple hardware and an emulator. | Computer, Communication, Security. Article Full Text: L. Yassa-Elharbi, A. Shaghaghi, ‘Implementation of the Hanoi system as a simple hardware and an emulator’. Cryptography ePrint Archive (print).

Title: A general method of evaluating the security of devices in a network of interacting machines: the protocol of the Hanoi system. | Computer, Communication, Security. Article Full Text: L. Yassa-Elharbi, A. Shaghaghi, ‘A general method of evaluating the security of devices in a network of interacting machines: the protocol of the Hanoi system’. Cryptography ePrint Archive (print).

Title: A general method of evaluating the security of devices in a network of interacting machines: the communication protocol of the Hanoi system. | Computer, Communication, Security. Article Full Text: L. Yassa-Elharbi, A.

Hardware Trojans on a purpose-designed post-quantum chip

Hardware Trojans on a purpose-designed post-quantum chip

How To Fix Hardware Trojans: How To Fix Hardware Trojans on a purpose-designed post-quantum chip Abstract: This article illustrates how to fix a hardware Trojan on a purpose-designed post-quantum chip. This procedure is based on a previously published attack in which the target was a hardware-based trojan that could execute code on a CPU with hardware protections. The procedure is based on exploiting the security defenses of microcontrollers, in this case the ADT-16. This attack allows the attacker to modify the program flow of the infected microcontroller and to carry out attacks against some of the most popular processors on the market, namely the Intel® x86 processor family. Hardware protection (including boot blocks) is often provided by the operating system and is often included in its initialization routines. How this procedure was applied to the ADT-16 is described. Software is an extension of the hardware instruction set. Software, in this context, includes any programs, including programs created by the operator, by a computer, by a compiler, or by firmware. Software and hardware can be considered as two different layers of the same product. Hardware protection is a protection, a kind of protection, provided by the operating system that provides protection, protection against other software. While software implements or describes the same feature, it has been used to implement different features at different times. Often, the software is used by the operating system in the process of protecting itself against software. The author of this article developed a hardware protection Trojan for the ADT-16 micro: “This is a simple (but very secure) hardware Trojan for the ADT-16” (“Software Trojan for the ADT-16, Hardware Trojan for the ADT-16”). However, the author of this article also developed a software Trojan for the same microcontroller: “This is a simple (but very secure) malware that acts as a simple hardware Trojan for the ADT-16” (“Software Trojan for the ADT-16, Software Trojan for the ADT-16”). When analyzing the code of the malware, he noticed that it was implemented in C. Therefore, the malware was able to execute instructions in C, which was possible because it was implemented in C.

RISQ-V: Tightly Coupled RISC-V Accelerators for post-quantum cryptography

RISQ-V: Tightly Coupled RISC-V Accelerators for post-quantum cryptography

The RISC-V CPU accelerators, which have been the subject of various papers (see e. references in Table 2), were, from our point of view, not optimal. We now bring some of our ideas into the picture. On the RISC-V side, a design was made that made the architecture more efficient from a design and resource viewpoint. Specifically, we changed the scheduler so that it now schedules the VPU and the RAS. We also put as few instructions in the VPU as possible to reduce energy consumption. A possible future direction is to take the scheduler, and the CPU as well, further as the architecture becomes more complex. This would mean taking the scheduler and the RISC-V CPU out of the VPU block. From a resource view, we would take the instruction prefetcher out of the VPU block, because that processor would be the only one that would be able to process instructions in parallel. On a design view, we would take the P-bit out of the VPU, to reduce power consumption.

The recent development of the RISC-V architecture has seen an explosion of design efforts, and the progress has been remarkable. This development has resulted in a very powerful architecture, but, as we mentioned in our review of RISC-V on Linux, this power is not necessarily “real power”, and for many implementations, the performance gains have not been huge. For example, in the Raspberry Pi 1 family, the performance gains are significant, but for the most part they are not huge. And we have also reviewed the performance gains of Raspberry Pi 2, however these were not very significant, and are not an improvement over the performance of Raspberry Pi 1 (although they are a lot better than their predecessors). And, as discussed in another recent review article, for the power efficiency of the ARM architecture (specifically the RK3088), the performance gains have been minimal. For these reasons, the architecture has not really been a breakthrough architecture for the cryptography community, and we believe that its power has been over shadowed by its energy efficiency.

As some RISC-V processors (especially low power ones) are designed for embedded applications, they usually have a low clock speed.

Tips of the Day in Computer Hardware

Have you ever been caught by surprise when your computer shuts down? Usually it happens around midnight or early morning; when you were least expecting it. But now you will find an IoT solution to help you fix the problem.

This is an IoT device that enables you to remotely control your Windows 10 IoT device through the internet from your home or office.

To set up this device you need the windows 10 IoT device and your computer. When you are connected it gets connected to the internet through 3G or Wi-Fi and starts running a virtual desktop where you can use the web browser to get connected to your IoT devices. The computer sends the device a command to start or stop and control it remotely.

You can also use the Windows Hello camera to read the device’s ID, serial and some other information from the cloud to diagnose the problem and troubleshoot.

In the first step, the computer sends the internet-enabled IoT device its IP address through the internet to initiate it.

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Spread the loveThis is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. quantum entanglement. long time-to-1/2 quantum secure operations. computers requires additional resources and time. encrypt and decode. the quantum advantage over the current state-of-the-art.…

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